
The easiest way to code a website

File structure

Organize your files.

Your website is made of folders and markdown files. Every folder should have a home.md file. Every folder can also have a settings.md file to apply folder-level settings, such as the breadcrumb.

Almost every file and folder represents a page on your website:

  • home.md is your homepage, /

  • about.md would be your about page, /about

  • blog/home.md would be your blog homepage, /blog

  • blog/hello-world.md would be a blog post, /blog/hello-world

(File names like Hello World.md also seem to work fine so far.))

Even if a folder doesn't have a home.md file, it will still generate a page, so long as it contains any markdown files. So, if you have a blog folder with posts inside it, Vowel will generate a /blog homepage even if you don't have a /blog/home.md file.

There are a few special files and folders:

  • assets/ contains some static files

    • assets/styles.css contains your stylesheet, which will be automatically applied if present

    • assets/favicon.png is your favicon

  • templates/ is a commonly-used directory in Obsidian projects, so it will be ignored

  • A settings.md file will not generate a page. If you want a page called settings, you can create a /settings/home.md file.

  • .cache.json

  • .output/

  • vercel.json

Any files prefixed with a period will be ignored, as will any files that are not markdown.

© Sam Littlefair 2024